Class at Altenew Academy Beautiful Details.

I am taking a class at Altenew Academy taught by the talented Marika Rahtu from Finland.
You must go to her blogg and see the amazing cards she creates. You can find her blogg here.
I have made this card from the first attempt on beautiful details.
I hope you like it. 😊
Thanks for stoping by, and every comment is much appriciated.

Ett lite kärleks kort.

På onsdagarna träffas ett glatt gäng tjejer och pysslar av hjärtans lust.
I slutet av januari lekte vi med Distress stains.
Jag tyckte det var hur kul som helst när jag testade lite hemma innan onsdagen.
Resultatet blev ett kort. 
Lev väl!
 Lämna gärna ett avtryck innan du surfar vidare.

Day 3 at OCCWCIT.

This is what I came up with.
Wplus9 stamps the only ones I could use for this technique.
It was great fun but far from perfect.

Thanks for stopping by!


Day 6 of OCCWC IT.

This is my take on Swarup Murthy's lovely flowers.
This is the only one of the techniques I have had the time to try today - yet! The night is still young. 😉😉
Thanks for stopping by!

These are the colours I use in class.

Please do not ask me their names.
I have no idea.
But I do know that none of them is the "right" colour in the supply list. 😊

Day 5 at OCC IT.

I know I missed a day or two.
But I don't own any outlined leaf stamps or light coloured markers. 😕😢
So I started painting flowers. So much fun! 
I am not very good at it, but I enjoy it and I have fun!
So here are my flowers of the day in the order I painted them.
Thanks for stopping by!
Please let me know what you think and link to your blog. 😊

Day 2 on Online cardclasses IT.

Today the first video looked easy, but I really struggled with this technique.
Finally after lots of trials and ever more errors I found that an cheap brush and my cheap paper worked best for me.
I really loved the  cornflowers, infact I had them in my bridalbouquet.
Thank you so much Yana for teaching me how to paint cornflowers!
Am I the only one who thought of painting them in red and call them carnations? ;) :)
Next we had Kristina's watercolouring.
I decided to use my favourite colours blue and green.
I will make a card out of it but right now I am too busy painting. 😊
Then we have Jennifer R .....
Her rose were absolutely stunning, mine... Not so good. 😕
But then I tried a second time and I liked that one better.
Here is no 1.
And here is the second one.
Last but not least we have the funny Laura Bassen. I love her!
She makes me laugh out loud every time. 
Here is my take on her idea. 
Thanks for stopping by and please leave a comment before you move on.

Day 1 part 2.

In this part of day one I felt a little more confident. Basis shapes. What could go wrong?
ALOT! The first thing I did after drawing the pencil lines was putting my dirty finger on the paper. There it was - the great blue blobb. 😁😕
Well here it is....
Thanks for stopping by!
Comment are most welcome. 😊

Online cardclasses IT day 1.

I must confess I had serious doubts before class about my own ability to colour with watercolours.
Distress Inks or Distress Markers fine, there I am in my own eyes rather good at those mediums.
Real watercolours is a totallly diferent matter...
Well I have done my best and I am quite satisfied with the result.
Please let me know what you think and please leave a comment.
A small fun detail... 😉
Thanks for stopping by!

Dag 2 of Watercolouring for cardmakers EM.

I kind of pleased with this. It turned out better than I expected. 😊
I have used tube watercolours a new experience for me.
the paper warped so I am sorry if the picture is not very good.

Day 3 of Watercolouring for cardmakers EM. Part 2.

I bought my Gelatos in april this year. Since then I've been waiting for an opprortunity to use them. Time time has arrived!
I used the only background stamp I had sutible for this technique. A Tim Holtz background stamp I can't remember the name of now. 
I've made a simple card with it. The text says "You are amazing" in swedish.

Day 3 of Watercolouring for cardmakers.

Today I want to show you my owls again. Mostly because I couldn't find anorthern stamp I wanted.
This time I have used my Wink of Stella clear along with the Inktense pencils.
I thought it was alot of fun trying this technique. I will use it again that's for sure. 😀
Next is the freehand drawing and painting using the Inktense pencils once again. My sons both said: 
- Mom, what a lovely apple you have made. 
I sighed and told them it was an orange. So I guess I am not that good on freehand drawing....

Watercolour in tubes.

Jennifer Rzasa is a very talented lady, but she also inspires me to try new things.
She makes me step out of my comfort zone.
In class she made a card using a city skyline stamp. She told us to draw one ourselves if we didn't have a skyline stamp.
I chose one of my favourite cities in Europe, mind you that I have't been to many of them.
But in this great city I was in the early eighties. 
Let me present my version of the London skyline.
Grattis means Happy Bithday in swedish. And the shadow was intended and not a mistake. :)
Please leave a comment if you drop by.
Thank you for stoping by!
// Erika

Day 2 of Watercolour for cardmakers: Exploring mediums

I really don't know what has happens to me, but I am creating again!
Today I have made cards from the painting I've been doing the last few days. And nights! 😉
First I want to show you my no-line watercoloured owls.
Next are my pumpkins painted with the same technique.
Please leave a comment if you drop by. 
// Erika

Watercolouring for cardmakers day 2

I was truly happy when I found this masking fluid in the shape of a marker.
Finally I could try one of the techniques I had seen in class at
Once again I have not had the time to make a card of it.
I really likes the technique so it isn't the last time i have tried it. :)
One other thing I learned with this technique was how to use my watercolour crayons. 
I put a little water on my working area and then rubbed my crayon in the water until I had the intensity of the colour that I wanted. I heard one of the teachers say that watercolour dries lighter, but I had forgotten that obviously when I tried this trechnique.
I wish you all a great day!

Watercolor for cardmakers. Day 10.

I'm learning to watercolour on
it is so interesting and the teachers are amazing. :-)
Today's class has been watercolouring free hand.
For some strange reason this inspired me to actually do some colouring. I can't draw a straight line without a ruler.
 Here is my flower which is called "Guckusko" in swedish. It's an orchid that grows here in southern Lapland, Sweden.
I haven't turned into a card yet. But I am rather pleased with the result so I wanted to show it to anyone who happens to swing by.
This is before I address some blue to the background.
And here I have added the blue.
I have used the Distress markers to colour my flower.
Sorry about the not very good images.
I hope you understand my english. To my defence I must tell you that I have not written in english in many, many years.
Please leave a comment if you visit.

Släktträd på mitt sätt.

En gammal ek, än så länge utan löv men det kommer. :)

Tanken är nu att mina morföräldrar är stammen.
Nästa led blir min mor och hennes syskon.
Sen kommer jag, mina syskon och kusiner.
Nästa steg blir våra barn och efter dem kommer deras barn.
Sen tror jag inte att det kommit längre men jag kan ha fel!

Tavlan har jag faktiskt målat själv, resten tänker jag få hjälp med av mor, moster och två kusiner i slutet av månaden. Najs eller hur?

Lev väl!

Datum för pysselträffarna i Knaften år 2012.

Datumen för årets träffar hittar ni


Lev väl!


Grattis till K.K. och min nya bäbis.

Födelsedagarna duggar tätt i april i vår familj och släkt. Vänner har jag mååånga som fyller år denna vackra månad!
Dessutom fyller två av dem 50 år (= mina kusiner) och två andra mycket kära och älskade vänner fyller 40 år.

Den ena har jag redan uppvaktat så jag kan visa presentförpackningen, innehållet behåller jag för mig själv. ;o)
Hmmm.... Det där blev nog liiite fel... Hon fick innehållet naturligtvis men jag väljer att inte tala om vad som var i påsen. Fattar ni?? :o/

Påsen är gjord av ett kuvert! Dekorationerna har jag köpt från bl.a. Wild Orchid Crafts, Nettans och ebay.

Sen måste jag bara få visa upp min födelsedagspresent till mig själv! Den är sååå fin och jag har längtat och väntat på att tillfället skulle dyka upp.
Jag höll på att missa det igen men tack vare en lillebror (min egen) så blev det ÄNTLIGEN av!
Gissa vad jag gör om dagarna nu....? =oD

Det känns Canon att äntligen äga en alldeles egen sådan här! ;o)

Lev väl kära vänner!

//Erika, som även hon fyller år denna månad. ;o)

Pingviner och feeling good.

Tänk att vissa dagar faller allt på plats.
Förtvivlan kan med en enda mening förbytas till lättnad.
En hittad del är en katastrof, men hittar man den andra delen så är det ren och skär lycka.

Nu är det inte jag själv som fått saker att falla på plats åt mig själv, men jag har lyckats hjälpa andra. =o)
Vilken känns ännu bättre!
Så nu kan jag ärligen säga att delad lycka är dubbel lycka!

Själv letar jag fortfarande efter min varmluftspistol och dessutom några spellisar som jag lyckats förlägga här hemma någonstans....

Så till pingvinerna.
På tv går ett barnprogram som heter Pingvinerna från Madagaskar.
Detta har B hört som:
Pingvinerna från döda madasgam.

Sen undrar jag om någon har sett en Gruffalo nyligen?
Tydligen vimlar det av dem här i skogarna. I alla falla enligt B.

Nu till lite pyssel som jag sysslat med på sistonen. =o)

Först ut är min skottkärra, som jag blev rätt så nöjd med faktiskt. =o)
Ibland ser man sådant som måste förbättras först senare, som om du får möjligheten att se den i verkligheten någongång bli inte förvånad om den ser lite annorlunda ut. ;o)

Tänk vad man kan göra av lite papper och mycket tålamod?? ;o)

Sen har jag gjort ett kort till någon, vem vet jag inte än.
Jag gillar verkligen trädet och pappret jag stansat ut trädet i. I like it alot!!

Detta var allt för denna gång kära vänner!

Lev väl!

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